DEI Vista logo

The DEI Vista goes beyond the theoretical frameworks and general education. This workshop will focus on practical, actionable strategies that you can implement in your organization right away. Whether you’re just starting out, hitting roadblocks, or looking to maintain momentum, hear from experienced leaders who have faced similar challenges and learn from their successes and failures.

Event Details

Are you eager to progress on your DEI journey and take your efforts to the next level? Have you laid down the foundational education and basic steps, but now find yourself asking, “What’s next?” If so, this workshop is tailor-made for you.

Participants gain new perspectives, navigate challenges, and shape inclusive futures together.


Connect with peers who are also in the trenches, facing similar struggles and triumphs. Through interactive sessions you’ll have the opportunity to share your challenges, seek advice, and collaborate with fellow DEI champions. Let’s turn your DEI aspirations into reality, together. Reserve your spot now and take the next step towards building a truly inclusive workplace!


8:30 AM

Registration and Breakfast

9:00 AM

Welcome and Opening

9:15 AM

Let's Be Real (Panel): Firestarter Stories on DEI Implementation

10:00 AM

Small Group Discussion

10:45 AM

Coffee Break

11:00 AM

Panel of DEI Experts and Q&A

11:30 AM

Topic Waypoints: Peer-to-Peer Discussions with Facilitators on Your Current Challenges and Aspirations

12:15 PM

Reflections and Resolutions

12:30-1:30 PM

Lunch & Networking

Advisory Team & Facilitators

Rebecca Sanborn

Sanborn Diversity Training Solutions

View Full Bio

Business Panel

Let’s Be Real: Firestarter Stories on DEI Implementation

Thank you to all of our sponsors!

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