Climate Challenge 101

April 4 – May 12, 2023



Climate action and regulations are on the mind of many business leaders. We are at a pivotal moment and companies that take climate action seriously see more revenue and resilience in the face of extreme weather events and increasing energy costs. Climate ambition and stated goals do not necessarily translate into action. In order to achieve results that align with your values you need to engage ALL your employees. Climate action is every employee’s job.

What is the Climate Challenge 101?

  • A six-week introductory program designed for the workplace. Through weekly emails, this program is a primer to introduce employees to the impacts of climate change and the business imperative to act. 
  • Each week your employees will receive two emails; one provides an introduction to the weekly topic, with a “Deeper Dive” section that provides links to further explore, sources for the information, and accommodations for different learning styles. Followed by an executive summary email on Friday with the key takeaways.
  • Designed for all functions and employees within the organization.
  • To be used as a resource by the changemakers who completed the Climate Action Challenge to train and engage their teams on climate issues.

Topics to be Discussed

April 4 – May 12, 2023

Week 1

Why Businesses Need to Address Climate

Week 2

Understanding the Problem

Week 3

Understanding Your Company's Impact and Climate Goals

Week 4

Climate Strategies that Work

Week 5

Emergency Preparedness & Climate Resilience

Week 6

Your Role as an Employee


The Climate Challenge 101 is FREE and open to ALL!



Thank You

To all of our sponsors!