Pathways to Prosperity

New Hampshire is facing a continuing skilled workforce shortage that stifles economic growth and business success. Pathways to Prosperity is a transformative program aimed at highlighting the synergistic benefits of businesses stepping up and taking a proactive leadership role in addressing critical societal issues that affect the workforce and communities around them.

Building Strong Communities for Business Success

By leveraging their resources, influence, and innovative approaches, businesses can play a pivotal role in creating positive and sustainable change in areas such as affordable housing, childcare availability, quality education, affordable healthcare, creating inclusive, welcoming workplaces and communities, and financial sustainability for employees. Thus creating an environment where business and community thrive together!

Key Objectives

Raising Awareness

The program seeks to inform business leaders and employees about the pressing social issues affecting communities in New Hampshire. By highlighting the extent of these problems and their far-reaching consequences, the program aims to inspire collective awareness and solution-oriented action.

Business-Community Partnerships

Emphasizing the importance of collaboration, the program will highlight examples of local and regional partnerships between businesses, nonprofits, and communities that resulted in mutual benefit in solving societal challenges. Where possible, NHBSR will help to build those collaborations and provide information on such opportunities to our members.

Innovative Solutions

Through the program, businesses will be encouraged to think creatively and develop innovative solutions that address the root causes of societal issues with initiatives that go beyond traditional philanthropy. Businesses will be encouraged to integrate social considerations into their strategic outlooks, aligning business success with positive societal impact.

Empowering Employee Engagement

Recognizing that employees are instrumental in driving change, the program will promote workplace cultures that are intergenerational, family-friendly, recovery-friendly, caregiver-friendly, inclusive, and responsive.

Advocacy and Policy

The program will follow and inform members about policies, such as those that increase affordable housing, accessible childcare, and equitable education systems, with the hope to engage business leaders, employees, and stakeholders to shape a positive narrative and drive systemic change in the state

Pathways to Prosperity Resources


April 2024
Family Friendly Workplaces: Policies And Impact

March 2024
Fostering Workplace Culture In A Hybrid/Remote Environment

February 2024
Building Tomorrow’s Workforce: Collaborative Strategies for Education and Career Pathway Design

January 2024
Why Employers Must Create Caregiver-Friendly Workplaces

December 2023
Tapping Into the Hidden Workforce

There’s a massive pool of untapped talent that small businesses can benefit from using second-chance hiring. Here’s how to do it.

November 2023
A Collaborative Model for Affordable Housing

A partnership that successfully created a fund capitalized with investments from eight major Upper Valley employers. Dubbed the Upper Valley Loan Fund (the Loan Fund), this fund will loan money to developers and other entities to build affordable apartments targeted to renters with moderate incomes.

October 2023
The Good Jobs Strategy

An introductory session by The Good Jobs Institute on how to improve business performance and employee experience simultaneously by combining investment in people with operational choices that raise the productivity, contribution, and motivation of frontline employees. We will explore four operational choices that help companies improve frontline team performance to better win with their customers. You will come away from this session with an understanding of the financial and competitive costs of operating with high employee turnover and learn about the types of changes that other leaders have made to build a good jobs system.

September 2023
Taking Care of Business by Caring for Employees

The webinar features solutions to address basic employee inequities, such as financial instability, nutrition insecurity, and limited or unreliable access to transportation, healthcare, childcare, and housing. Employee well-being has a profound impact on work performance and job satisfaction. When individuals are distracted at work because of instability in their personal lives, businesses suffer. How can employers provide support for employees and bolster organizational goals?

Additional Resources

Other Program Focus Areas

Mental Wellness in the Workplace

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

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Measuring Impact

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Peer Impact Networks

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