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NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action


Southern NH


As healthcare workers are uniquely positioned to increase public awareness of the links between health and climate change, we seek to provide NH healthcare workers the tools to educate and mobilize the public in support of climate solutions to improve health for all.


Nonprofit Professional Services


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NH-HWCA is a nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy group of healthcare workers who seek to use the trusted messenger voice of healthcare workers to educate and mobilize fellow healthcare workers, policy makers and the public in support of climate solutions to improve health for all. We incorporated in late 2021. Since then, we have grown to a mailing list of over 3,100 healthcare workers and others across NH and beyond, and 150 active volunteers. Our volunteers work within 5 interdisciplinary working groups including: Communications & Education, Behavioral Health, Children’s Health-CHICKs, Climate Justice and Policy & Advocacy. The work of these working groups is coordinated by our one full-time employee, Emily Thompson, Director of Operations.