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Launch Now




There is no single straight path to a meaningful career. And without exposure to the opportunities that exist, that path is harder to find. How can we ask kids and young adults to have career clarity when they don't even know their interests, their strengths, or what is possible? Launch Now is a safe, streamlined platform for students to connect with local businesses for work-based learning opportunities. Our innovative platform compiles community educational resources and self-generated student data to form meaningful connections, real time. Schools use this tool to match students with hands-on opportunities to explore their professional interests in the real world. And by providing these opportunities, local businesses are encouraging and developing a talent pool of motivated applicants.


Nonprofit Professional Services


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It was by chance, in a casual conversation with friends, that the idea for Launch Now was born. The group had posed the question: “what are we doing for kids who are trying to explore careers beyond high school, or even during middle and high school?” We gathered a group of trusted partners in the school, parent and business communities and began interviewing them. It quickly became apparent that the key to students making decisions about their future was their experience in the workplace and we wanted to streamline this process by introducing technology designed around them. Established in 2020, Launch Now developed the first and only multi-stakeholder technology supporting student centric, career connected learning while also providing a seamless, safe connection to businesses in partnership with school administrators.

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