New Hampshire Clean Energy Principles 2024
Investments in Clean Energy Help New Hampshire Businesses Thrive
As businesses and employers invested in New Hampshire, we believe that transitioning to a clean energy economy will improve our own competitiveness, and our state’s prosperity, health, and security.
- Energy efficiency and clean energy solutions are essential to our businesses. Strengthening investments in market-driven clean energy programs will help New Hampshire businesses be more competitive and grow our workforce.
- Clean energy solutions help us protect the beautiful natural resources of our state, our tourism economy, our health and our way of life.
- Strong state policies to enhance access to energy efficiency and renewable energy will shift our economy away from imported fossil fuels, reduce energy costs and support locally produced clean energy resources—keeping our energy dollars in New Hampshire’s economy.
- Investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy make us more resilient by reducing exposure to fossil fuel price volatility.
- Developing clean energy systems and technologies to meet the needs of a changing global economy provides economic opportunities for the businesses and people of our state.
- The funds available through the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act are designed to support states and businesses to cut pollution, invest in clean energy, and become more sustainable throughout entire supply chains. The State should make every effort, in partnership with the private sector, to maximize the utilization and impact of these funds.
We support policies and legislation that will advance these points and attract innovation and opportunity for our state and our people.
1785 Inn | Green Alliance | Petersen Engineering, Inc. |
2 B Green Profitably | Green Energy Options | Persimmon Consulting, LLC |
36creative | Green Wave Electric Vehicles | Phin |
900 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria | Hannaford Supermarkets | Placework |
Abacus Energy Works, LLC | Hannah Grimes Center | Portsmouth Brewery |
ABC Energy Savings | Hanover Co-op Food Stores | Post & Beam Brewing |
Admix, Inc. | hasOptimization | Prime Buchholz LLC |
Affinity LED Light | Harvey Construction | Prism Energy Services |
Albany International Corp. | Helix Design, Inc. | PromoCentric LLC |
Allgood Strategies LLC | Henry Whipple House | Red River Technology LLC |
ALNOBA | Hitchiner Manufacturing | Resilient Buildings Group, Inc. |
Alpine Heat Pumps LLC | Home Free Treats | Richardson Media Group |
Amherst Country Club | Hypertherm Associates | ReVision Energy |
Amherst Label, Inc. | Image 4 | Ridgeview Construction |
Ashuelot River Hydro, Inc. | IMPAX | Ripple Effect Studio |
Associated Grocers | Jack's Pizza | RiverMead |
Atlantic Media Productions | John Benford Photography | RSG |
Autodesk | Jupiter Hall, LLC | Saltwater |
Bangor Savings Bank | Lakes Region Community Developers | Sarah Mae Brown Consulting LLC |
Beechleaf Design | Landry/French Construction | Seacoast Science Center |
Bellavance Beverage Co | League of Conservation Voters | Scrapp |
BerryDunn | LighTech Inc. | Sheldon Pennoyer Architects |
Bona Fide | Littleton Food Co-op | Ski New Hampshire |
Bowst Interactive | Lonza Biologics | Spearpoint Strategies |
Breathe New Hampshire | Lucky & Me Inc. | Standard Power of America |
Bruss Project Management | MAYO Designs Inc. | Starship Enterprise |
Business Consulting of NH, LLC | Medicus Healthcare Solutions | Stonyfield |
Casella Resource Solutions | MegaFood | Strategic Potential, LLC |
Celdara Medical, LLC | Merritt & Merritt | Sullivan Construction |
ChopShop Mediaworks | Merchants Fleet | Sun Moon Farm |
Circular Blu | MicroSpec Corporation | Sunrise Labs |
Clean Energy NH | Mighty Roots | Sustainable Futures Consulting |
Clean Generation | MilliporeSigma | Sweaty Turtle Entertainment |
Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Northern New England | Mindful Making and Design | The Concord Comfort Inn |
Concord Courtyard by Marriott | Minim | The Duprey Companies |
Concord Food Cooperative | Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc. | The Elm Street Group at Morgan Stanley |
Concord Residence Inn | Mt Washington Auto Road | The Glen House |
Cornerstone Financial Planning | NEMO Equipment | The Grappone Conference Center |
Coruway Film Institute | New Directions Collaborative | The Hvizda Team LLC |
Craft Brew Alliance | New England Commercial Solar | The MacDermott Group at Merrill Lynch |
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health | New England Solar Garden | The Richards Group |
Eastern Bank | NH Businesses for Social Responsibility | Throwback Brewery |
Educating For Good | NH Network: Environment, Energy, Climate | Timberland |
ELA Consulting | New Hampshire Audubon | TRC |
Encore Renewable Energy | New Hampshire Community Loan Fund | Tupelo Music Hall |
Estate Preservation & Planning | Newell and Crathern | UK Architects, PC |
Fenton Family Dealerships | Nextmove Technologies LLC | |
Filtrine Manufacturing Company | Nordic Inn Resort | Velcro Companies |
Foxfire Property Management, Inc. | Northeast Commercial Solar | Veris Wealth Partners |
Franklin Savings Bank | Northeast Delta Dental | Vital Communities |
Froling Energy | Off Campus Rentals | W.S. Badger Company |
Full Spectrum Wellness, LLC | Organizational Ignition, LLC | Warrenstreet Architects, Inc. |
Full-Nelson, LLC | Outdoor New England & Mill City Park | Wheelhouse Web Solutions |
Garland Mill | Outdoor Industry | Wellscroft Fence Systems, LLC |
GDS Associates | P & L Landscaping,LLC | White Mountain Strategies |
Global Aquaculture Alliance | Paragon Digital Marketing | Wire Belt Company of America |
Global Round Table Leadership | Patrick's Pub & Eatery | Working Fields |
Good Start Packaging | PAUSE, A Mindfulness Meditation Place | Worthen Industries |
Grappone Automotive Group | PeopleSense Consulting | Wunderkind Marketing |
Great Glen Trails | Pete and Gerry's Organics, LLC |