Workplace Racial Equity Challenge

While the Workplace Racial Equity Challenge is not being offered live in 2024, members have FREE access to the complete resources and detailed facilitation guides of this program. Organizations are welcome and encouraged to run this program internally for their employees. Nonmembers are welcome to use these resources for a donation. NHBSR is offering the DEI Workplace Innovation Challenge for 2024. To request access to the Racial Equity Challenge materials please email us.

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Program Summary

The NH Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Challenge provides individuals and teams in the New Hampshire workforce community a way to:

  • Learn about the history and dynamics of how racism and discrimination manifests at the individual, interpersonal, organization and systemic levels.
  • Gain insights into NH history and current imperatives on issues relating to equity.
  • Discover local resources and leaders working on these issues so you can support, amplify and/or complement this work.
  • Have a space for dialogue with other organizational leaders to reflect and consider how you can take action and invest your resources for change in the most effective ways.

Program Outline

Daily email prompts
A daily email will be sent M-F for four weeks. Each email has a theme, with links to articles, videos, podcasts or other resources, while questions encourage both personal and team reflection.

Weekly online dialogues
Each Friday, a facilitated Zoom meeting from noon-1 p.m. will offer time for participants to dialogue about what they learned and share ideas with other workplace leaders.

Diversity & Inclusion Basecamp
A half-day workshop will allow participants the opportunity to explore how to make positive changes in their relationships, communities and workplaces, and get inspired by each others’ ideas.

Quotes from 2021 Participants

Many entry points to engage, regardless of where you are in learning about racial equity there is something for you in the emails.

The small group conversations in the weekly dialogue calls were a great chance to connect with others from many different professional backgrounds, to discuss personal insights and experiences.

I've shared just about every resource with my team members. it's been an embarrassment of riches.

Thank You

To all of our sponsors!